Friday 12 February 2016

Identities and Film: blog task

1) Read Media Factsheet 142: Identity and Film.

2) Complete the Twenty Statements Test yourself. This means answering the question ‘Who am I?’ 20 times with 20 different answers. What do they say about your identity? Write the 20 answers in full on your blog.
3) Classify your answers into the categories listed on the Factsheet: Social groups, ideological beliefs, interests etc.

Social Groups
-I am female
-I am Congolese
-I am a student
-I am multilingual
-I am very short
Ideological beliefs
-I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses

-I am a fan of food
-I am a Barcelona fan

-I am going to be travelling a lot
-I am going to visit Nepal

-I am good at giving advice
-I am loyal
-I am trustworthy
-I am shy
-I am good at winged eyeliner
-I am good with nails
-I am a good listener
-I am independent
-I am bad at socialising
-I am stubborn

4) Go back to your favourite film (as identified in the lesson). What does this choice of film say about your identity? Are there any identities within the film (e.g. certain characters) that particularly resonated with your values and beliefs?

Think Like A Man
I like comedy and believe that women should be treated with respect.
I can resonate with the guy in the group whose happily married because he doesn't really put himself in stupid situations and puts his wife first before friends.

5) Watch the trailers for the five films highlighted as examples of gay/lesbian representation in mainstream film. How are LGBT identities constructed in the trailers and how are audiences encouraged to respond to these representations?


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