Monday 22 February 2016

(48) Telegraph suspends comment on relaunched online content

Link : has redesigned tech, lifestyle, TV and travel sections.
Newspaper is deciding whether to reinstate function as it undergoes website revamp and points readers who wish to comment to social media. The Telegraph has suspended the facility for readers to comment on stories and features “until further notice” as part of a review of the way the newspaper engages with its audience. As part of the relaunch of, the company is also researching whether to reinstate the feature. The print edition of the newspaper has recently been given a new look. A spokesman for the Telegraph said: “In the process of migrating its site to a new online platform, the Telegraph has suspended the comment function in some areas under transition until further notice. “It’s also undertaking research to understand the best way to support reader engagement, but in the meantime they can continue to comment on and share articles through Telegraph Facebook pages, or via Twitter, in the usual way.”

Key data/statistical information:

What's my view?

I think that it is a good thing that The Telegraph wants to some what improve their website seeing how new and digital media has taken over making it difficult for print newspapers. It is also a good idea that they looking to share articles through the social media platform as it will allow the audience to discuss with each other the points they think should be raised about the news. It will also help people to read the news as people now prefer to receive 24 hour news from social networking sites such as Twitter. This change in new and digital media has pushed the elite people to give the audience more power as to how we get news. Also, through this new method of receiving news, the audience have more a say about problems that occur in the world and can easily raise awareness on-line.

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