Monday 15 February 2016

(46) Independent and Independent on Sunday print closures confirmed


 The Independent newspaper’s last issue is expected to be published on 26 March
Evgeny Lebedev has confirmed that the Independent and Independent on Sunday will cease printing, with the last editions to be published in late March. Amol Rajan, the editor of the Independent, will take the role of editor-at-large across the new digitally focused Independent business. At a staff meeting, which was not attended by Lebedev but included Indy co-founder Andreas Whittam Smith, Rajan said that it was a “painful day” but it was not economically viable to keep running the Indy print operation. “The newspaper industry is changing, and that change is being driven by readers,” said Lebedev. “They’re showing us that the future is digital. This decision preserves the Independent brand and allows us to continue to invest in the high quality editorial content that is attracting more and more readers to our online platforms.”

Key data/statistical information:

  • Lebedev, who also confirmed the sale of the cut-price national stablemate i to Johnston Press, did not reveal how many of the 150 full-time staff would lose their jobs
  • The overall number that end out losing their jobs could be ameliorated as 25 new roles are being created to boost, and the i’s new owner is seeking 34 more staff
  • The last issue of the Independent is expected to be published on 26 March, with the last issue of the Independent on Sunday on 20 March
  • Lebedev attempted to position the closure of the 30-year old Independent as a bold transition to a digital-only future.
  • The publisher said that newspaper’s website, which has 58 million monthly readers, is already profitable and is expected to see revenues grow 50% this year
  • ESI Media said that it will create 25 new digital content roles in the first move to focus on building into an international digital news brand
  • the Evening Standard, which is 25% owned by Daily Mail parent DMGT made a profit of £5m last year

What's my view?

As predicted, the Independent had to close down as it was not economically viable to keep running the print operation. Everything is now made digital and more newspapers need to understand this. The fact that the Independent are going to focus on their website shows that they understand the change from print to new and digital media and therefore will focus more on making their on-line news more attractive for their audience.

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