Monday 15 February 2016

(45) Independent aims to keep stars and boost quality in digital shift


An iPad displays the Independent’s website.
The chief executive of the Independent has said a push will be made to get big names such Robert Fisk to stick with the digital publication following the closure of the print titles. “We want our bigger name writers writing for the Independent website,” said Auckland. “We want high quality, strong journalists on that site. We have global ambitions for the Independent and a London powerhouse with the Standard. We want to really take advantage of that now.” The website has been criticised for running light-weight content, not least by many of its own staff. Staff complain that the website doesn't represent the newspaper and that the website is only all about the number of clicks it gets. Auckland then goes on to say that they are going to change the website a bit and push harder for better quality, more investigative journalism so that its similar to the print edition.

Key data/statistical information:

  • The website will be boosted by at least 25 staff
  • The company will make £25m from the sale of the i title to Johnston Press, owner of the Scotsman and Yorkshire Post
  • The website has about 58 million monthly unique users
  • Overall about 50% of the 150 full-time staff that work on the Indy and i are expected to be retained following the closure of the print editions next month

What's my view?

I think its a good idea that the Independent are looking to improve their website as that is where they will be able to keep the company going. Due to the rise of new and digital media, it is key that the new industry start focusing more on online-news rather than paper based because it will soon become a very unpopular way of receiving news. The new generation are more interested on getting 24 hour news which newspapers do not provide. By getting rid of the newspaper, I think the Independent will see a difference in the business.

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