Monday 11 April 2016

(61) Daily Mail goes nuclear over Barack Obama 'peace sign'


Barack Obama: two fingers to accuracy from the Daily Mail.
In typically breathless style last week the Daily Mail website drew attention to the leader of the free world leading the free world at a Washington summit on nuclear security. One piece
picked out a special moment caught on camera when Obama, in keeping with his hip image, flashed the peace sign at the camera. As the Mail’s triple decker headline put it: “Peace out, fools! Obama plays the clown by flashing the peace sign for nuclear security summit ‘team photo’... and gets a very unimpressed look from David Cameron and bemused world leaders.” The Independent went for the more restrained: “Obama flashes peace sign during world leaders photoshoot at nuclear security summit.” Except, of course, he didn’t. As helpfully shown in the video embedded below the Mail story, Obama was in fact indicating with his fingers (and saying audibly) that: “We’ve got two more folks we’re waiting on.”

Key data/statistical information:

What's my view?

This shows that we shouldn't always trust what is published in the news. Not only can it be unreliable but it can also be inaccurate.

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