Thursday 2 July 2015

Summarising Aritcles 

This article talks about how BBC3 is going to be an on-line channel. It explains how the idea of there being a BBC+1 channel wasn't successful because of rival channels such as Channel 5 & ITV. BBC will save a vast amount of money (£30 million a year) by simply moving BBC3 on-line. BBC have realised that young people today are more on-line and have decided that 17-34 year olds (BBC's target audience) are more likely to watch the channel on-line. It talks about having new content and  ideas for BBC3 so as to keep the on-line audience attention.

This article talks about how hundred of jobs are being cut due to the £150 million shortfall of funding. They speak about the pressure given by the conservative government. The article mentions that nowadays, things are different and therefore, the BBC is having to cutting several jobs because of TV license funding. The amount of money BBC get is decreasing more and more. The article also speaks of how the BBC are trying to protect their other television channels and radio stations ,such as BBC Two and Radio 2, which may be at risk soon. However, the BBC's recent reports have shown that pay restraint and staff cuts had already led to savings of more than £1.5bn a year by 2017.

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