Monday 9 May 2016

(69) Vice UK rejects call for union recognition


Vice UK has turned down an NUJ request for recognition.
Vice’s UK arm has rejected a push for union recognition by a group of staff, bucking a growing trend that has seen unionisation at digital media businesses including the outlet’s main base in the US. Media group claims NUJ is ‘not used to innovative, digital workplaces’ and offers to set up staff council instead. At a meeting held in London on Tuesday, Vice UK staff were told that the National Union of Journalists would not be recognised at this point but instead were offered the chance to set up an internal staff council.
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What's my view?
Vice is known for using user generated content and uncensored news stories on their websites or on snapchat. Due to the lack of censorship that the company has, Vice UK refuses a union recognition in order to get pulled into censorship and gatekeepers.

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