How has new and digital media technology changed Galtung and Ruge’s news values?
How would you update them for 2015?
Write how EACH news value has been affected by the growth of new and digital technology.
Immediacy is more important than ever due to news breaking on Twitter or elsewhere online. However, this in turn changes the approach of other news sources such as newspapers as the news will probably already be broken so different angles might be required. Newspapers now contain more comment or opinion rather than the breaking story.
Familiarity is when people can relate to the news becomes the event is close to them. Usually when a news is being published which relates to someone due to their area, they would be able to know about this due to social media.
New and digital media technology has changed the amplitude of news as when a big event happens, people would find out about it as it would go viral on social networking sites such as Twitter or Instagram. People wont know the whole background detail as they would from watching broadcast news or reading print news but they would get the key details of what was going on and why the event is major.
People can recognize a reoccurring event nowadays by the use of hashtags. For example, if you type in a racist event that has recently occurred with a hashtag in Twitter, you will notice that other news relating to the event will come up to show the frequency of how many racist events have taken place in the last year or so.
Unambiguity is important because more and more people want clear and definite news. People want to make sure that they news that they're reading is accurate and usually through citizen journalism videos that are published on-line, do people believe in the news that they see.
Today's digital technology has made predictability more easier. Technology helps to locate where events are going to happen. For example, a charity event may be advertised on-line with details of where and when it will happen so that the news can get their camera crew and journalists prepared for the event.
Due to the immediacy that new and digital media provides, a news with a surprise would be first seen on-line and talked about on social networking sites.
News with continuity is defined due to Twitter using a hashtag to suggest that it is news. Also if it goes viral and is repeated, then it has already become news.
Elite nations and people mostly comes into when the news is about America or the royal family, it is usually all over social networking sites including Vine, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
The growth of new and digital media has made negativity in the news more noticeable. Nowadays even children know about the bad things happening in the world and people are able to debate on all the negative things on-line. Because people want to hear bad news more, on-line news sources have made it available for people to get the news ASAP.
With broadcast news, they structure it so that there is a balance of good news and bad news so as to not depress the audience. With modern digital technology, there potentially is a balance however the negative news are the ones that are trending the most.